邓林红 简介
发布时间: 2017-05-16 访问次数: 8987
邓林红 博士/教授/博导
邓林红,男,1960年7月生,汉族,四川夹江人,当前国际生物力学界最为活跃的青年科学家之一。近年来的研究主要针对哮喘病等呼吸道疾病的生理病理机制,在微纳米尺度下研究细胞的动力学行为规律,特别是细胞对应力-应变等物理因素刺激的响应及其引发的结构与功能变化在哮喘病生理病理过程中的作用。在细胞骨架动力学,细胞对机械刺激的响应等方面取得了一系列重要的成果,在《Nature》、《Nature Materials》等国际一流学术杂志上发表了一系列高水平的研究论文,其中《Nature Materials》论文当选美国《Science Watch》2008年材料科学领域“快速突破论文”。 2007年作为高水平引进人才回国工作后,已主持承担和完成了多项国家和省部级科研项目,发表研究论文30余篇,其中SCI收录10余篇,申报专利1项,获得“全国侨界创新贡献奖”,重庆市“科技领军人才奖”,“全国优秀教学论文一等奖”等奖项。2008年当选教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授。
Journal of Biomechanics(生物力学杂志)、Journal of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta(生物化学与生物物理文摘杂志)、AJP Cell(美国生理学杂志细胞生理学),AJP Heart(心脏与循环生理学)等国际一流杂志审稿人等
1982年7月以优异成绩毕业于重庆大学机械工程二系。1986年7月获得重庆大学生物力学与生物流变学硕士学位并留校从事生物力学科研与教学工作。1988年9月 –1990年9月,担任重庆维多生物工程技开发公司总经理。1990年9月 –1992年9月,获中英友好奖学金资助赴英国斯查克莱大学生物工程专业访学,并获博士学位,1996年7月-1999年8月,担任英国斯查克莱大学生物工程系助理研究员。2000年9月-2004年2月,赴加拿大达豪斯大学(Dalhousie University) 生物医学工程学院从事博士后研究,并担任细胞力学实验室主任。2004年2月-2007年3月,担任美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院研究员。
细胞生物微流变学,细胞纳米显微成像,多维显微成像术,纳米生物光子学,分子力学与成像术,生物流变学与芯片实验室技术, 磁微粒在生物医学工程中的应用,干细胞分化的物理调控与组织修复,纳米材料表征与细胞生物学行为的调控机制,细胞流变行为在哮喘等疾病的病理生物学中的作用等。
英国ORS 奖学金和英国斯查克莱德大学利文斯通奖学金(1991-1995)
汤姆森科技Science Watch评选的世界材料科学领域 Fast Breaking Paper (2008)
1.Chen C, Krishnan R, Zhou E, Ramachandran A, Tambe D, Rajendran K, Adam RM, Deng L*, Fredberg JJ. Fluidization and resolidification of the human bladder smooth muscle cell in response to transient stretch. PLoS One 2010;5 (8):e12035.
2.Deng, Linhong*, Xavier Trepat, James P. Butler, Emil Millet, Kathleen G. Morgan, David A. Weitz and Jeffrey J. Fredberg. Fast and slow dynamics of the cytoskeleton.Nature Materials 5:636-640,2006
3.Trepat, Xavier, Linhong Deng, Steve S. An, Daniel Nevajas, Daniel J Tschumperlin, Willliam T. Gerthoffer, James P. Butler, and Jeffrey J. Fredberg. Universal physical responses to stretch in the living cell.Nature447:592-595, 31 May, 2007
4.Deng L, Bosse Y, Brown N, Chin LYM, Connolly, SC, Fairbank NJ, King GG, Maksym GN, Pare, PD, Seow CY, Stephen NL. Stress and strain in the contractile and cytoskeletal filaments of airway smooth muscle. Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 22:407-416, 2009
5.Hu Y, Cai K, Luo Z, Zhang R, Yang L, Deng L, Jandt KD. Surface mediated in situ differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells on gene-functionalized titanium films fabricated by layer-by-layer technique. Biomaterials, 30(21):3626-35,2009.
6.Fairbank, Nigel J., Sarah C.Connolly, James D.MacKinnon, Kathrin Wehry, Linhong Deng, Geoffrey N.Maksym. Airway smooth muscle cell tone amplifies contractile function in the presence of chronic cyclic strain.Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 295(3): L479-488, 2008
7.Cai, Kaiyong, Yan Hu, Zhong Luo, Ting Kong, Min Lai, Xiaojing Sui, Yuanliang Wang, Li Yang,Linhong Deng. Cell-Specific Gene Transfection from a Gene-Functionalized Poly(lactic acid) Substrate Fabricated by the Layer-by-Layer Assembly Technique. Angewandte Chemie, 47(39):7479-7481,2008
8.邓林红.力学与奥林匹克体育运动[J].力学与实践, 30(3):1-9, 2008
9.Deng, Linhong., Dynamics of the cytoskeleton: A portrait of living cells as heterogeneous and nonequilibrial materials, in Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, DESTECH PUBLICATIONS INC: Lancaster. p. 582-587, 2008.
10.An SS, Bai TR, Bates JHT, Black JL, Brown RH, Brusasco V, Chitano P, Deng L, Dowell M, Eidelman DH, Fabry B, Fairbank NJ, Ford LE, Fredberg JJ, Gerthoffer WT, Gilbert SH, Gosens R, Gunst SJ, Halayko AJ, Ingram RH, Irvin CG, James AL, Janssen LJ, King GG, Knight DA, Lauzon AM, Lakser OJ, Ludwig MS, Lutchen KR, Maksym GN, Martin JG, Mauad T2, McParland BE, Mijailovich SM, Mitchell HW, Mitchell RW, Mitzner W, Murphy TM, Paré PD, Pellegrino R, Sanderson MJ, Schellenberg RR, Seow CY, Silveira PSP, Smith PG, Solway J, Stephens NL, Sterk PJ, Stewart AG, Tang DD, Tepper RS, Tran T, Wang L. Airway smooth muscle dynamics: a common pathway of airway obstruction in asthma. European Respiratory J 29:834-860, 2007
(Authors are in alphabetic order and members of an ad hoc expert discussion panel on airway smooth muscle structure and function).
11.Cai, Kaiyong, Jun Zhang,Linhong Deng, Li Yang, Yan Hu, Lei Xu. Physical and biological properties of a novel hydrogel composite based on oxidized alginate, gelatin and tricalcium phosphate for bone tissue engineering. Advanced Engineering Materials. Vol. 9:1082-1088, 2007
12.Deng, L, NJ Fairbank, DJ Cole, JJ Fredberg and GN Maksym. Airway smooth muscle tone modulates mechanically induced cytoskeletal stiffening and remodeling. J Appl Physiol 99: 634-641, 2005.
13.Maksym, GN, Deng, L, Fairbank, NJ, Lall, CA, and SC Connoly: Beneficial and harmful effects of oscillatory mechanical strain on airway smooth muscle. Canadian Journal of physiology and Pharmacology 83:913-922, 2005.
14.Bai TR, Bates JH, Brusasco V, Camoretti-Mercado B, Chitano P, Deng LH, Dowell M, Fabry B, Ford LE, Fredberg JJ, Gerthoffer WT, Gilbert SH, Gunst SJ, Hai CM, Halayko AJ, Hirst SJ, James AL, Janssen LJ, Jones KA, King GG, Lakser OJ, Lambert RK, Lauzon AM, Lutchen KR, Maksym GN, Meiss RA, Mijailovich SM, Mitchell HW, Mitchell RW, Mitzner W, Murphy TM, Pare PD, Schellenberg RR, Seow CY, Sieck GC, Smith PG, Smolensky AV, Solway J, Stephens NL, Stewart AG, Tang DD, Wang L. On the terminology for describing the length-force relationship and its changes in airway smooth muscle. J Appl Physiol. 97(6):2029-34, 2004 (An invited editorial)
15.Deng, L, NJ Fairbank, B Fabry, PG Smith, GN Maksym. Localized mechanical stress induces time-dependent actin cytoskeletal remodeling and stiffening in cultured airway smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol: Cell Physiol. 287: C440-448, 2004
16.Smith, P.G., Deng, L., Fredberg, J.J. and G.N. Maksym: Mechanical Strain Increases Cell Stiffness Through Cytoskeletal Filament Reorganization. American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 285(2):L456-63, 2003
17.Deng, L.H., J.C.Barbenel and Lowe, G.D.O: Influence of hematocrit on the erythrocyte aggregation kinetics for suspension of red blood cells in autologous plasma, Biorheology, 31:193-205,1994
18.Deng, L.H., Y.P.Wu, G.R.Wang, R.F.Yang and Lee J.S.: The Fahraeus effect in sheet flows with a gap thickness of 4 to 36 mm. Trans. ASME J. of Biomechanical Engineering, 111:32-36,1989
19.Deng, L, and JJ Fredberg. Dynamics of the airway smooth muscle cytoskeleton is dependent on the cellular confluence Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine, 175(4):A347, 2007
20.An, S.S., Andrew, A.L., Deng, L., Fredberg, J.J., Holgate, S.T. and D.E. Davies. Biophysical properties of fibroblasts from normal versus asthmatic airways. 2006 ATS International
21.Deng, L, NJ Fairbank, SC Connoly, DJ Cole, PG Smith, GN Maksym. Irreversibility of stiffening in cultured airway smooth muscle cells induced by mechanical stress. Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine, 169(7):A27, 2004
22.Deng, L, NJ Fairbank, SC Connoly, DJ Cole, PG Smith, GN Maksym. Long acting b-adrenoceptor agonist, formeterol, inhibits stiffening of cultured airway smooth muscle cells induced by mechanical stress. Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine, 169(7):A448, 2004
23.Deng, L., Fairbank, N.J., Cole, D.J, Smith, P.G. and Maksym, G.N.: Airway smooth muscle relaxant inhibits cytoskeletal stiffening induced by cyclic mechanical stress, Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine, 167(7):A731, 2003
24.Fairbank, N.J., Deng, L., Cole and Maksym, G.N.: Functional assessment of focal adhesion formation in airway smooth muscle cells. Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine, 167(7):A714, 2003
25.Deng, LH, B.Fabry, C.Hurley, NJ.Fairbank, PG.Smith and GN.Maksym. Cytoskeletal Remodeling In Airway Smooth Muscle Cells In Response To Localized Mechanical Stress. Am J Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 165: A671, 2002
26.Deng, LH, Karagiannoglou SH, Sakas WI, Lowe GDO and Barbenel JC. The Impedance Measurement of Human Blood in Relations to the Hemorheological Determinants. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism vol. 4, No.2:167-168, 2002
27.Maksym, GN, Deng LH, Fabry B, Fredberg JJ and Smith PG. Chronic Strain Induces Anisotropic Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Stiffness And Enhances Contractility. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 29: S-136, 2000
Invited lectures or symposium (peer reviewed presentation)
1.Deng, L Microrheology of the cytoskeleton and its biomedical implications (Keynote speaker of the Session,分会主题报告). The 8th National Conference of Biomechanics 第8届全国生物力学学术会议,Hong Kong 香港,19-24,December, 2007
2.Deng,L., Trepat, X., Butler, J.P., Millet, E., Morgan, K.G., Weitz, D.A., and J.J. Fredberg. Fast and slow dynamics of the cytoskeleton. Gordon Research Conference of Theoretical Biology and Biomathematics, Tilton, NH, USA, 4-9, June, 2006
3.Deng, L and J.J. Fredberg. RHEOLOGY OF FRESHLY ISOLATED AIRWAY SMOOTH MUSCLE CELLS.5th AstraZeneca International Young Investigators’ Symposium on smooth muscle in airway and vascular disease. Malmo, Sweden, 13-16, September, 2005
4.Deng, L. Cytoskeleton dynamics of freshly isolated airway smooth muscle cells Flow-Volume Underworld Meeting, Sonderborg, Denmark, 21-24, September. 2005
Invited lectures or symposium (Non-peerreviewed presentation)
1.Deng, L. Novel dynamics of the living cell as a biomaterial. Institute of Advanced Biomaterials Research, Jena University, Jena, Germany, May, 17, 2008
2.Deng, L. Airway smooth muscle mechanics from cell to organ—a shifting paradigm to understand pathobiology of airway disease. Polymer Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersberg, MD, 20 Feb., 2007
3.Xavier Trepat, Linhong Deng, Steve An, Daniel Tschumperlin, Ramon Farre, and Jeffrey Fredberg: Fluidization of the living cell by stretch. Poster session, Frontiers of Knowledge, Research Forum of the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA, April 18, 2006. Winner of the best poster presentation award.
4.Marina Marinkvoc, Kevin Turner, Linhong Deng, Subra Suresh, and Jeffrey Fredberg: Viscoelasticity of the human red blood cell. Poster session, Frontiers of Knowledge, Research Forum of the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA, April 18, 2006
5.Deng, L.:Stress and asthma, friend or foe? Dalhousie Respiratory Research, (Invited talk), DalhousieUniversity, Halifax, NS, Canada, 16 April, 2003.
6.Deng, L.:Mechanical stress and airway smooth muscle cells: a straining relationship? Dalhousie Biomedical Engineering Research Day, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada, 6 May, 2003